
Infant Program

The whole language approach is our model for the classroom. This is one in which children are exposed to print and language that is integrated into each activity center. We also follow a phonics-based reading approach. This approach is introduced through age-appropriate direct teaching in both large and small groups.

Beginners Program

Our Beginner program focuses on the unique needs of growth and development of the infant. Diaper changing, feeding, and other routines are viewed as vital times for communication, self discovery, and socializing. Beginners are encouraged to master feeding themselves despite the messiness that accompanies this activity. While being supportive of infants in their quest for competence, our teachers look to the parents as the best resource in working with their children. Exploring and discovering new things is an essential part of the Beginner’s routine.

Toddler and Twos Program

In providing a program for toddlers and twos, our teachers understand that these children learn with their whole bodies. They learn more by doing than by being told. Toddlers discover their world on a physical level, so it is expected that they will prefer walking, climbing, carrying objects, or dropping objects to sitting, picking up toys, or playing only in designated space. These large muscle activities are crucial to toddler development.

Preschool Program

Preschoolers are most responsive to “hands-on” activities. Our teachers accept that and design their classroom spaces with “learning stations” at which children can choose the activities they most enjoy. Our high-quality staff rotates and adds materials frequently to maintain and extend the child’s interest. Young children seem to learn best when trained teachers build on the interests and abilities of the children. This reflects the currently recognized theory that endorses non-pressured, child-centered activities guided by an adult with a solid child development base and strong problem-solving skills. In such a program, parents truly become partners with the professional staff. Information or discoveries about the child’s development are mutually shared, resulting in a program tailored to the individual child.